Brighthouse SmartGuard Plus®


Brighthouse SmartGuard Plus is an index-linked universal life insurance policy with a Guaranteed Distribution Rider (GDR), automatically included with the policy on the issue date for an additional charge, that can help protect your family and give you flexibility for the future.

See How Brighthouse SmartGuard Plus Works

Explore how Brighthouse SmartGuard Plus can help protect Shonda’s loved ones and address her future needs.

Help diversify your retirement strategy with an innovative life insurance product.
Growth Opportunities and a Level of Protection
Growth Opportunities and a Level of Protection

By participating in index-linked growth strategies, policy values can potentially grow with a level of protection from market loss to help meet future goals.

Guaranteed Distribution Payments
Guaranteed Distribution Payments

This life insurance product provides a source of tax-advantaged guaranteed Distribution Payments that will never fall below a guaranteed minimum amount.1

Guaranteed Death Benefit
Guaranteed Death Benefit

Brighthouse SmartGuard Plus helps provide security for loved ones through a guaranteed death benefit that’s generally income tax free.2

As an index-linked life insurance product, Brighthouse SmartGuard Plus tracks the performance of one or more market indices and does not invest directly in the markets. Once Distribution Payments begin, all policy values are transferred to the Fixed Account and there is no further participation in index-linked market performance.

The primary purpose of the policy is to provide life insurance protection. It is designed to be held over the long term, is not offered primarily as an investment, and should not be used as a short-term savings vehicle. Various negative consequences can occur if you fail to hold the policy long term.

After the 10th policy year, Distribution Payments are available through the GDR and are paid in the form of policy loans. Loan balances are charged interest up to 8% annually. Under the GDR, the policy’s cash value will increase when necessary to prevent policy loans from causing the policy to lapse.

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Take the Next Step

Talk to your financial professional to find out if Brighthouse SmartGuard Plus is right for you and to learn more about purchasing this product.

Here are some questions to help you start the conversation:

  1. Would an index-linked policy with a GDR make sense for me?

  2. How can buying an index-linked policy with a GDR allow me to leave a legacy for my loved ones?

  3. Will I have to undergo any medical exams to qualify for Brighthouse SmartGuard Plus?

  4. How can I ensure I’m choosing the right insurance company, and how do I know that this company is going to be around in the future?

  5. Can Brighthouse SmartGuard Plus help me supplement my income in retirement but still provide security for my loved ones?

Tip: Set the tone for your conversation and save, print, or share the Product Brochure with your financial professional.

View Product Brochure


This Brighthouse Financial product can only be purchased through a licensed financial professional.

Don’t have a financial professional? Learn more about working with a financial professional.

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Trusted by more than 2 million customers and with over 2 million annuity contracts and life insurance policies in force,* Brighthouse Financial® is one of the largest providers of annuities and life insurance in the U.S.**